Celebrity buying my perfume

Celebrity buying my perfume

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My 1st post

My Special Customer.........

Peminat setia no 1 Jamal Abdillah dulu kini dan selamanya!!takkan hilang cinta kerna haruman yg sebenar dari JAYNEE PERFUME memberikan dirimu terus bersama cinta................

Pelakon Pembantu Lelaki Terbaik: Zul Huzaimy (Wayang)
tengah usha perfume aku...
"mana satu nak pilih ni..semua cam best jer..."

1 comment:

  1. Hii,

    i want to know, this blog still active? because i try to call the no, but not respon? how about the stock, still available? i want to know about wholesale price u can give? email to me nkresourcesbiz@yahoo.com.thank.
